Product Information
Dimensions in mm尺寸单位为mm.
Fo r left-hand th read,suffix"L"is added to bea ring numbe r and th read sign.e.g.PHSL20 M20xl.5L-6H
如果是左旋螺纹,轴承型号与螺纹标记应加"L"或"左",例如:PHSL20 M20x1.5左-6H
Sliding contact su rfaces:Steel/Bronze滑动磨擦副:钢/铜
Design and application featu res:
Rod end of steel and zine coated,with male Or female th read,sphe rial SU rface with b ronze liRe r-9 inRerl ring of ca rbon ch romium steel,sphe rical su rface with ch romium plating:Can be lub ricated via a nipplel or a hole in the roa end.It hascha racte ristics of la rge load capability,easy mounting and dismounting and mechanism sImplification.